Wednesday, October 29, 2014

1st DIY Flash Cards - Reading lesson for beginners was unexpected learning plan... just wanted to fulfill my holiday...i started this on 1st February 2014..

What do I need  ?: 

- Color papers
- Scissors
- Pen or marker

 Steps : 
 - Draw the square shape onto the papers
- Start to fill in the square with the vowel letters - "A,E,I,O,U" 
- Then write the consonants letter.

DIY Flash Card for beginner reader

Vowels and Consonants

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Tetiba lak bercita-cita nak homeschool-kan anak-anak...dah beberapa bulan ni dok buat research sendiri pasal Homeschooling ni..tapi sebelum betol-betol nak proceed dengan homeschooling ni..kene la penuhkan ilmu di dada ..

Apa maksud Homeschooling ?

"Homeschooling is the education of children outside the formal settings of public or private schools and is usually undertaken directly by parents or tutors. Despite the name, only a portion of home education may be delivered in the family home, with the rest being provided within the local community or elsewhere. Many families who start out with a formal school structure at home often switch to less formal and more effective ways of delivering education outside of school, and prefer the term "home education" to "homeschooling". -------> Ni copy paste dari Wikipedia.

Here are my personnel thoughts of Homeschooling :

  •  Cikgu adalah parents , kalo takpun tutor..but mostly parents la yang jadik cikgu
  •  Kelas sangat informal..kt rumah jer...bilik kecik pun cukup..
  •  Material/syllabus boleh didapati dari banyak sumber..such as internet
  •  Masa sangat fleksible...
  • Mostly done by fulltime housewife...tapi as a career women pun boleh jugak ..cuma komitmen tu kena ada.. (cehhhh..macam la rajin sgt kan)
  • Banyak masa bole spend dengan family....selain melakukan tugas rutin housewife,
  • Rumah tangga dan anak-anak lebih terurus...

When to start ? 

Actually dah lama start cuma during free time or weekend dan tak berapa nak serious.

Sekarang ni  kalo nak buat homeschooling memang kene korbankan masa hujung minggu...tapi kesian pulak Qasrina...weekdays pulak pegi taska...takkan weekend pun nak blaja jugak..hemm..kene la arrange time bebtol ni .